Polka dots and gingham cotton pin up prints for dreamy summers days.
There’s nothing quite like an English summer day…
When planning a Picnic I always think of Ratty and Mole’s “fat wicker luncheon basket” feast in The Wind in the Willows “What’s inside it?” asks Mole “Oh there’s cold chicken inside it,” replied Ratty “cold tongue, cold ham, cold beef, pickled gherkin salad, french rolls, cress sandwiches, potted meat, ginger beer, lemonade and soda water.” “Stop, stop!” Mole cries in ecstasies… Put on your bright and happy cottons, go on picnics, eat your fill and lie languidly imagining a bee full and sunny English summer meadow….
Cider with Rosie
Retro cotton thrills for rolls in the hay.