DIY recycled shirt pants PDF sewing pattern

DIY recycled shirt pants PDF sewing pattern
Our super popular recycling pattern is now available in downloadable PDF form so you can print it yourself. Yay! we aim to extend the life of all good shirt cotton far and wide. Get to work on the wardrobe! make your pants, share a picture with #CUTTHECOTTON join the circular economy and make love not landfill
It takes around 2700 litres of water to make just 1 cotton shirt, that’s not to mention the energy used in cutting, sewing and shipping it, so it’s nothing short of a crime to throw the whole shirt away when it gets a mark or worn collar. Make your own pants by re-using cotton from shirts, summer dresses or any other fabric! Pattern includes 2 sizes to fit between 8 and 16 and full instructions of how to make. SOS #saveourshirts
Thanks @vanjonssondesign for making this possible